Tag Archives: Book

The Blood Clan are back!

It’s been awhile since I released a new book.

Five years. I find that incredibly hard to believe.


So much has happened in that time, but that’s for another blog post. Let’s fast forward to the good stuff.

Bryce, Tori and the Blood Clan are back! 

Let’s start with their new look! I reached out to Sotia Lazu and she did not disappoint. Look at these beauties! I’m in love!


But there’s more…


I’m going to be releasing a new spin-off of the Blood Clan Chronicles called:

Blood Clan Origins

Remember all of those vampires that came from around the world to help Bryce and Tori? Yup, now you’ll know their story! The first story to release will be Liv and Kyle our two lovebirds who were turned in the 90s before Bryce ever met Tori. The Blood Clan is forming and that means we’ll need Derek MacKenzie to get these vampires together. I can’t wait to take you back in time to show you how their story began.

Stay tuned for updates and a cover reveal which will becoming soon! 


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Happy Book Birthday: Taming Darkness


As you all know, I wrote a little trilogy about the devil and guess what? Book one, Taming Darkness, releases today! I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled I am to finally have my baby out into the world.  I have been living with these characters for many moons and I am so happy that you can finally meet them. As a special treat, guess who is here today… that’s right, you met him a week ago, The Dark Haired Man from Barbara Garren’s book, Phasms Infinite Potential. Care to guess who he brought along? If your answer was the devil, then you are correct!

Here for a rare appearance, Lucas Starr, answers some questions and gives us his thoughts on public image, war and that one woman who got into his head.

Interview With The Devil: Taming Darkness by Kat Daemon

I agreed to meet Lucas at his penthouse apartment on New York’s Upper East Side. I wasn’t disturbed or suspicious about his request of venue. He’s a business man, with pressing demands on his time and resources and the request made imminently more sense than asking him to traipse over to my location. Not that I have a location, shifting between alternate planes of reality and all.

But I digress. I was introduced to Lucas by an industrious young acquaintance who, while not necessarily currying favor with either of us, would certainly benefit from the details of our conversation. Poor thing, she neglected to first ask the price of our cooperation.

Having set the meet for this particular evening, I arrived to find an exceedingly large number of beautiful men and women exiting the apartment. Lucas met me at the door, waived me in and proffered a drink. I had to refuse, as it was difficult for me to maintain my corporeal form as well as imbibe. The main room was large, with a massive fireplace and black, granite bar. A balcony overlooked the city, affording a spectacular view of Central Park, and one entire wall displayed a quaint collection of swords, knifes, armor and other such items.

We settled into a pair of comfortably heavy oak chairs, detailed with gothic carvings of gargoyles, imps and such. The place was charming beyond words and Lucas was an attentive host and subject.

DHM: So, Lucas – you seem quite the gentleman. Articulate, erudite, with excellent taste. And yet, you have such a horrible public image. All those horns , fangs, pitchforks and a tail. Why do you believe the public with this campaign of vilification?

Lucas: I think we can both agree that people fear that which they do not understand. Ignorance stirs the imagination, folklore gets interwoven with truth and the facts seem too far fetched to be believed. They want to hate me and condemn me, because I had the courage to carve my own path. They paint me as being uncivilized because accepting me as civil makes me too much like them. Imagine how hard it would be to look in the mirror and see me staring back. (Not that they’d protest, I am beyond beautiful.) Then who would they point a finger at? Creating a monster has given them a false sense of security.  They don’t even need me. They are their own demons.

DHM: Wouldnt it be easier to utilize your prowess and slant public perception in a more positive light? I mean, look what Ghostbusters did for that heinous lot of puerile, amateur exorcists

Lucas: I’m a business man, not a politician, although I know more than my fair share. I’m not about to run a campaign persuading the public to adore me. I do my dealings in the dark, and I want my clients to come to me of their own free will. The world has become one big carnival of bandwagons, and I am not handing out horns and a lifetime membership to those willing to fight for my cause. My time will come, and if nothing else, I am extremely patient.

DHM: So, man to man here what WAS it about this particular human female; Maria, that made you so, well, whipped? Surely, in the length of time youve existed, youve come across truly exquisite females who didnt require such sacrifice. The challenge wasnt all that, was it? Werent you really looking for a way to tangle with Michael and prove you were the better, uh, Angel?

Lucas: Like all my conquests, it began as a game. A beautiful, twisted game to pass the time. When you’ve seen as much as I have, nothing phases you anymore. Every action is propelled by the need to amuse yourself. Sacrifice is a word that I don’t feel is part of my vocabulary. I carry out decisions in ways that I feel are in the best interest to me. With Maria, it was no different. When I looked at her, I saw myself shining back in her eyes. You can call it reckless narcissism if you’d like. Perhaps my judgement was jaded by her, dare I say it? Light. Either way, as you said earlier, I have excellent taste. As for Michael, there is no question that I am the superior being. We have “tangled” many times, it’s a healthy way for me to release my pent up anger and eternal frustration with the monotony of this crumbling rock I have come to accept as home.

DHM: How about something a bit more plebian, for the masses if you will: If you could change any one thing in your past, any single decision or outcome from your millennia of existence, what would it be and why? Other than the whole cast down from Heavenbit, of course.

Lucas: (laughs) I don’t regret the rebellion. I did what I had to do. I made my choice and Michael made his. The outcome was rather unfortunate, but that’s just one battle of the great war. Trust me, that story is not over. If I could go back to any moment, I think I wouldn’t have waited so long to tempt that famous carpenter. I went after him when he was in his thirties, and lets face it, in ancient times that was the equivalent of  retirement age. It’s not as much fun to bully the elderly. I didn’t really have my heart in in it either. I should have gone after him when he was a teenager. Teens are so much more persuasive. What can I say? You live, you learn.

DHM: Anything you wished your adoring fans and minions knew about you? Any last words, heh, heh?

Lucas: I think it’s time we put away such tedious labels as good and evil. I did what I had to do to survive, and unlike my former brethren, I have the ability to evolve. So I think at the end of the day, the people must ask themselves who would they rather have by their side? An army of angels that can’t break away from the old regime, or a figure who can introduce them to the possibility of a brighter tomorrow? After all, I am always willing to make a deal.

You can add Taming Darkness to your to-read list on Goodreads;


Information about the book:

Title: Taming Darkness (Taming Darkness #1)

Author: Kat Daemon

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Date: March 3rd 2014

Publisher: Entranced Publishing


Since he was sentenced to earth eons ago, Lucifer has always lived by three simple rules: Humans are toys that are meant to be played with, love is a useless emotion, and the only creature worth fighting for is himself. To him, nothing matters but his own enjoyment, whether it be manipulating those around him, or indulging in the sins of the flesh with Lilith. Then he found young, sweet, and innocent, Maria, who is everything that Lucifer detests. She has devoted her life to her one true love, God. Unable to resist a challenge, Lucifer sets his sights on tempting Maria away from his enemy. Disguising himself as Lucas Starr, he creates a world that not even Maria can resist. He never planned on having the tables turned on him. Imagine Lucifer’s surprise when Maria brings him to his knees and shows him a glimpse of heaven once more.

Blinded by his arrogance and an unlikely vision, Lucifer falls again, this time forgetting that some lines should never be crossed. When his greatest opponent, Michael, shows up, all Hell breaks loose. Will Maria be able to accept Lucifer for who he truly is, or realize what Michael already knows: some destinies can never be changed?

About the Author (Incase you didn’t already know me):

Kat Daemon grew up in New York where her imagination always seemed to get the best of her.  When she’s not hanging with demons, she’s usually armed with a strong cup of coffee and dreaming up her next tormented character.

You can find out more about Kat and her books at www.katdaemon.com

Website. Twitter. Pinterest. Goodreads.

There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Taming Darkness.

Here is what you can win;

Prize pack #1  A Red Heart Necklace & a $15 Amazon Gift Card

Prize pack #2 – Essie “devil’s advocate” nail polish and a $10 Amazon gift card

Prize pack #3 – $5 Amazon gift card

(All prize packs will also include a signed postcard from the author)

Enter the rafflecopter below for a chance to win.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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March 3, 2014 · 12:03 pm

It seems only fitting that I begin 2014 with a post on this new blog.

Before I go on about my goals and hopes for the new year, I’d like to first reflect on the past year.

2013 was a tough one. It held a lot of challenges for my family and we are still trudging through some of them, but it held a lot of opportunities as well. Back in February, I was alone on my birthday. It was (as far as I can recall) the only birthday I’ve ever spent alone. I had just left the job I loved back in June and was attempting to “make it as an author”. My rejection letters were piling up, and I felt a bit lost. Needless to say, I was depressed. So I decided to spend my birthday writing a new manuscript. It was a gift to myself. I had always written full length adult novels averaging about 110,000 words. I wanted to do something different. So I took a character from one of my books that was in the slush pile and gave him his own story.

I started to get lost in the tale, and explored a new avenue of writing I hadn’t attempted before. It wasn’t long until I had a 25K novella on my hands. But I had no clue what to do with it, so it just sat and collected dust in my Mac. Then one day in August, I happened to see a pitch contest that this work might have been a good fit for. So, not getting my hopes up, I pitched it for the first time to Entranced Publishing. Now that little novella is a full length novel and will be published in March by Entranced.

So it just goes to show you, you don’t know where the road may lead you. That sad day in pajamas, I mourned the books that were not getting noticed, and by distracting myself, produced one of my best stories. Funny how life works out.

I also met my editor, Kara Leigh Miller, who turned my book from good to freaking amazing!!! Working with Kara gave me such confidence as a writer and showed me how to improve my stories.  For the first time I think I’m starting to grasp the phrase, “show not tell” and I have Kara to thank for that. She isn’t just my editor, she became a great friend in a short amount of time, so I actually was given 2 gifts the day I pitched my book 😉

Now on to 2014….

I have so many wonderful things going on. The first of course is that my book, Taming Darkness, will be available on March 3, 2014.  I can’t express how excited I am about this! If you are into sarcastic fallen angels, a main character that gives new meaning to the expression, “devil worshipper” and a heroine that literally can bring him to his knees then head on over to Goodreads and mark it in your to-be-read list 😉 https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18779536-taming-darkness  (Cover to be added very soon!)

RT2014! It’s my first convention and I am so thrilled to be a part of it! Plus it’s in New Orleans and Charlaine Harris is one of the guest speakers… I need to decide which Sookie book I will (hopefully) get autographed! Plus I get to actually meet Kara in person, along with other amazing Entranced authors like Barbara Garren (who keeps me sane through laughter) and Georgeann Swiger (a fellow angel author) to name a few.

My personal goals this year are

1. To finish writing the fantasy book that I promised my daughter. Being raised on Oz and Wonderland, you’d think this would be easy. Nope, it’s hard to write original fantasy and although I have my characters a few scenes and a lose outline I’m struggling.

2. Sign with an agent *the dream of all dreams*

3. Work toward publishing the first book I ever wrote, which is so close to my heart it’s hard to give it away. This goal may actually become a reality… I’ll have to keep you posted on this one 😉

4. BLOG MORE! I used to blog on a different site quite often, but my new day job takes up so much of my time, not to mention energy, that this will be a challenge.

I have other wonderful things happening in my life as well. My two closest friends are having life changing events this year: One is getting married in August (I’m a bridesmaid, yay!) The other is having her daughter in 2 weeks.

With all this positive energy being released how can 2014 not be amazing?

So how’s your 2014 looking?

Love & Light!



January 1, 2014 · 11:10 pm